04. ožujka 2020.

Recommendation procedures in universities and colleges

Croatian Institute of Public Health has released revised version in accordance with the current epidemiological situation. The report refers to universities and colleges in relation to students who attend classes and studies in Croatia or are staying in organized accommodation.

Specific measures of protection related to nCoV diseases (COVID-19):

The procedures for checking passengers entering Croatia are defined in such a way as to ensure the highest possible protection of the health of the population and passengers with minimal disruption to international traffic. From February 24, students who have travelled to China, Hong Kong, Japan, Iran, Singapore, South Korea in the past 14 days or came to Croatia from the Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Piedmont provinces of Italy will spend 14 days from leaving affected areas:

• active health surveillance (reporting health status to designated epidemiologist according to the address of residence/stay)

• in self-isolation based on a border sanitary inspector's decision to undergo health surveillance to monitor the onset of respiratory illness symptoms.

Furthermore, those who arrived from these countries and provinces in Italy before February 24, and within 14 days overall, and developed respiratory symptoms, should by no means join the collective (for classes and other facilities) and should contact their chosen doctor immediately. Definition of affected areas: China, Hong Kong, the Italian regions of Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Piedmont, Japan, Iran, Singapore, South Korea.

1. Active health surveillance of healthy students coming from the affected areas who do not have a history of close contact with the sick: ALWAYS IN SELF-INSOLATION at home or in a student dormitory (organized accommodation) where these students can live with other persons (eg sharing student room with other students).

2. Active health surveillance of healthy students (no signs of illness) coming from the affected areas who have been in close contact with the sick: ALWAYS IN SELF-INSOLATION at home or in a student dormitory (organized accommodation), but needing to live alone. Therefore, in a dormitory it is necessary, whenever possible, to arrange for such a student to reside alone in a room and not to share a room with another student. The student dormitory should also arrange for the student to eat in their room and not in a shared space with others, and not to use common areas such as restrooms. If they do not live on their own or it is by no means possible to arrange for them to be in a student room alone, a stay in an ORGANIZED QUARANTINE is necessary.

3. Students coming from the affected areas who have some of the respiratory symptoms (sudden onset of at least one of the following symptoms: fever, cough, and shortness of breath) should be treated as infected persons until microbial infection is ruled out, meaning hospitalization is necessary.

Students who are under active health surveillance in self-isolation (items 1 and 2) do not attend classes for the duration of this protective measure. Due to the epidemiological situation, the situation can change rapidly, and these recommendations may change as well, so we kindly ask that you keep up to date on the web pages of the Croatian Institute of Public Health (www.hzjz.hr) and the Ministry of Health, where daily updates on coronavirus are published, as well as prevention measures:




General protection measures:

In addition, it is necessary to ensure in the organized accommodation of students, on campuses, student dormitories as well as in the premises where classes are held, the restrooms and in the premises where the food is available:

• possibility of washing hands with soap and running water and drying hands with disposable towels or using alcohol-based disinfectants

• absence from school students and staff who have symptoms of a respiratory infection, a fever, sore throat, shortness of breath and coughing

• regularly and at least twice daily ventilation of the premises

• encouraging outdoor seating whenever the weather permits

Students, as well as other citizens, need to be reminded to adhere to the recommendations of general protection measures:

• wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based disinfectant

• cover your mouth and nose with a tissue paper when coughing and sneezing and then throw it in the waste bin and wash your hands

• Avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory tract infection, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath and cough.