Apartman: 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, terrace

Stanodavac Vile Park
Površina u m2 96
Cijena mjesečnog najma 159€
Za broj osoba 4
Dio grada Šijana
Razdoblje iznajmljivanja 01.03.2025.-01.07.2025.
Kontakt telefon 098/940-0173
Kontakt email appvilepark@outlook.com
Opis Apartment rental in Pula at low price, available for students from 01.03.-01.07. Rent for 4 people from 159 eur per person. Multiple rental models... you can rent just a bed in the room, or if you want the entire room or the entire apartment. Signing the contract, registering with the tax office, registering place of residence. The rent is directly from the owner, so you don't pay commission to agencies. The utility costs are extra, you pay the exact consumption of utilities. Parking - free. Smoking in the apartment - allowed. Pets allowed with an additional charge of 15 eur per pet. Multiple heating options: central heating, electric heaters, wood-burning fireplace, air conditioning. Wireless internet. Deposit: 1 rent. The apartment is reserved by paying 70 euros, which is not refundable in case of cancellation by the tenant. Equipment in the apartment: Washing machine, refrigerator, stove, hood, clothes dryer, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, iron, laundry basket, TV, air conditioning, heaters, dishes... The owner does not live in the building, so you have your own peace. Bedrooms are equipped with single beds. Erasmus students are also welcome. Additional informations available 7-23h by email (appvilepark@outlook.com) or mobile (+385989400173) WhatsApp, Viber.